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     Sometimes, it’s a stranger who makes your day a special one. And on the other times, it’s a closer person who spoils your day. Such an irony!

– Suri

79 thoughts on “Contradiction?

          1. o.k. half of the sentence is checked & its true..NOw for checking other half of the sentence whether its true or not ,we have come closer!!!!!!

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  1. This is life 101unfortunately we are taught not the stranger but the friend,me I rather the stranger greater truth comes from a distance then up close as the friend,great words
    Thank you
    As always Sheldon

    Liked by 1 person

    1. True that! Strangers are the ones who open our eyes to reality!
      & yes, they share their opinions with us very honestly!
      Have u read my post, titled ‘Strange Strangers’?


      1. Well I have been a fan of the Facebook page ‘ word porn’ for some time. Do check it. Ppl post most amazing short stories that you get hooked to it somehow. Reason I suggested because your writing style looks similar to it. Give it a try

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Is there really a contradiction? You expect nothing from a stranger so when they do something nice …. they make your day. However, you do have expectations from friends so when they spoil your day, you are disappointed. I would suggest that it is not a contradiction, but more the results of your expectations? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would say, it’s a really nice and positive way to look at things.
      It’s true that when we expects loads of things, we got to arm ourselves to face our downfalls; thus, escaping disappointments.
      Thanks for your views. Made me look at my post differently! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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