Category Archives: Portrait

Katherine Langford

Katherine Langford as Hannah Baker in 13 Reasons Why

I realized a while ago that I haven’t uploaded any of my artworks after 2015. So here’s a portrait I made yesterday of Katherine Langford. She’s the lead actress from the American web television series ’13 Reasons Why’. I haven’t really seen the entire series yet, only some 6-7 episodes, but I feel that for a newcomer she has done a flawless job of portraying the Hannah Baker as depicted in the Thirteen Reasons Why book by Jay Asher (Oh yes, I’ve read the book!).

Just a fancy picture that I clicked

Paper: I drew it in an A6 sized Sketch book of 130 gsm.

Pens: Pigma Micron 0.20 mm line width and Pigma Micron 0.25 mm line width

A WIP picture which probably looks more like Hannah Baker than the end result

– Suri

P.S.: I may upload more of my artworks on my blog in the next few days, so keep visiting!