Category Archives: 50 word story

Quarantine Musings #1

Birds still sing the same song – everyday – at the same time.
I wonder if they even miss us?

– Suri

What are Quarantine Musings? Just some random, trivial, light-hearted (or maybe even deep?) thoughts that pass through my mind during these lockdown days.


When the old thoughts creep back in
and you feel cold underneath your skin

When the old days flash right through
and you think that it’s the midnight’s blue

When you start to run quicker and faster
but time catches you swifter and sooner

When your memory’s a blurry, crumbled picture
with a tiny bit of frown and a bit of smile, a dash of tears but sprinkles of hope!

Pause. Stay. Stop. And breath…
do not fall prey to the past’s agonizing bond.
But ‘begone!’ you yell out loud to it’s face
for only then will it shiver and abscond.

– Suri

P.S.: Poetry after sooo long, yaayy! Comment and let me know what do you feel about this poem. Did you like it? 😀


We all have different stories. No two people living on this planet can have the exact same story. Each one of us has a different set of the past, the present and the future. We can have similar stories, and sometimes that’s how people connect. But at other times we have our stories so entirely different than those around us that we may find it very difficult to connect. There are no connecting dots or no parallel lines or – if geometry interests you that much then, I’d say – no concentric circles!
Yet, we – as social beings – have to find ways to connect through those differences.

Every day is a new day. Each day brings us new hope, new opportunities, new experiences. Some days are good, while some are not as good. But they are part of our story, aren’t they? The good days, the bad ones, the ones where we cried for a small bar of chocolate and also the ones where we cried out of joy at the birth of our child. They all help in creating an outline of our story – the particularly major ones.

I believe that our stories create us as an individual, as a human. Yes, our decisions mould us into an individual. But what are those decisions based upon? – our experiences! And what are those experiences? – our stories!! So take wise decisions and make your story the best one of all, let it reverberate throughout the histories of the future.

Good luck. Have a nice day!

– Suri


Yes, the flower is a bit dried up. The petals are now starting to curl. It’s getting darker around the edges.

Only a day prior, the rose was so fresh and so full of life, without any mark. Today, it still is full of life but with some bruises.

Isn’t life the same? We all are naive and innocent initially. But as the days pass by, we learn new things, we acquire new bruises, we grow up.

We’ll start shedding our petals once we start getting older but till then we have the chance to bring happiness to someone, to someone in need, to someone with bruises. 🙂

— Suri


          The emotions trapped, the words left unsaid. The pain hidden, the care left behind. The Hi, the Hello, the Why and the What; when it all gets replaced by a single Bye… Isn’t it more about the ego than the mistakes made? Is it right to stay quiet, wait for the chapters to unfurl on it’s own, without taking any action by ourselves? Is it right to wait until THE very end? When it wouldn’t even matter at all?

– Suri

In A Trance

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Today I have this giddy feeling inside my stomach, as I start a new phase of my life.  Would I be able to fulfill my goals, my requirements? Or would I just waste the years to come in utter confusion and disbelief? Hoping for the best; wish me luck people! 😛

– Suri


Featured image          “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be on a high dose of Veritaserum* ? Spilling out the truths, all at once, without worrying about it’s consequences. True, even my darkest secrets would be revealed; but, once it’s gone, it’s GONE!! It won’t dare trouble me ever again. Ah, so liberating!” – She thought.

Veritaserum* – a powerful truth serum/ potion. (a Harry Potter reference)

– Suri

Inner Peace. Without Dogs, Huh? Naaah!!

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Sometimes I wonder what would it be like to spend my weekends on clouds. Away from humdrums, away from people, from responsibilities, from the monotonous struggles of our daily life and away from drama. Then a thought strikes me- “Oh no. There are no dogs up there! Ugghh! Plan cancel.” *wink*

– Suri


Life is ALWAYS a balance.
When you enjoy the happy days of your life, the entry of sad days is a must! And when you are going through a dark, rough patch in life, expect the rays of joyful sunlight, dancing around you like tiny, little fairies, twinkling in stardust! 🙂
– Suri