Tag Archives: nostalgia

My Melody

The melody of your voice, has always been a little too dear to me. I held onto it like Scrat from the Ice Age held onto his acron, at times a bit too possessively and at other times, obsessively. I feared that if I didn’t hold it tight in my grip, I might lose it forever. So much that it did not occur to me to relish it in the present, just as Scrat. I kept on pursuing it, holding it close, but doing nothing else to ensure its safety.

Until there came a time when I started living life afresh, experiencing new things, things I never imagined I would ever be able to do, like moving seven oceans across, to a completely new land. I actively grew more engaged in changing how I would deal with certain emotions. Before I knew it, I had stopped thinking about you altogether. The new environment had a lot to contribute for it.

The other day, while rummaging through an old, dusty pile of e-mails, I accidently stumbled upon your voice recordings. That crisp, croaky sound gave me company for a good full day. While I was nearly going back to forgetting your voice, the following week, I came across a couple more of these recordings. These ones, probably the last of the lot that I still possess, took me back half a decade down the memory lane.

Its funny how such minute long vocals of vibrations confined in your recording devices can affect your mood, your emotions. How subtly can they give you goose bumps before you even realize it. How they can cause these tiny little droplets of salty water traverse the path down your lower eyelids, through your round, bumpy cheeks, then steeply down your jaws, and then jump down on your clothes making them moist.

It makes me wonder if you too ever find such broken pieces of our memories and if you take some time out to dwell on them a little, and try to fit those pieces together along with the salty water doubling up as glue. If you too cherish the times, while listening to the same old songs that we both loved listening to. If you too would want to go back to those moments and live in the melody of our love, if only for a few more minutes?

– Suri


When the old thoughts creep back in
and you feel cold underneath your skin

When the old days flash right through
and you think that it’s the midnight’s blue

When you start to run quicker and faster
but time catches you swifter and sooner

When your memory’s a blurry, crumbled picture
with a tiny bit of frown and a bit of smile, a dash of tears but sprinkles of hope!

Pause. Stay. Stop. And breath…
do not fall prey to the past’s agonizing bond.
But ‘begone!’ you yell out loud to it’s face
for only then will it shiver and abscond.

– Suri

P.S.: Poetry after sooo long, yaayy! Comment and let me know what do you feel about this poem. Did you like it? 😀

Sniffing. Chewing. Ripping. Chaos.

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Puppies can be are messy sometimes ALL the time. I wonder why doesn’t the English Thesaurus declare a ‘puppy’ to be synonymous to ‘chaos’. Moving in and around the house, destroying one thing or the other. I’m not saying it’s any of their fault. They are just curious. Curious like a human child. Curious about the surroundings, about their new home, new place, new people, new world! There’s absolutely nothing wrong being curious. *wink*

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Well I don’t know about others, but for the first entire year, Sweety demanded a lot of attention, care, response and always at least one person behind her all the time. If not, then an hour later you may find your costly, favourite footwear impeccably chewed by none other than the sweet, cuddly (and the mischievous) pup – Sweety! And yes, she wouldn’t even get any scolding from anyone!! Why, you ask? Oh c’mon, the answer is so very obvious. Why would you ever scold a pup with eyes as shiny as the stars, it’s tilted face as innocent as a newborn, ears as if they have acknowledged their mistake, sitting under a table or a far corner in the room?

I consider myself an extremely lucky person. Not only because I had a dog, but also because I ‘grew‘ with one!! I was about 5 year old when we got Sweety. She was 2 months old then. Both of us had no experience at all with the outside, or in other terms the real world. Both of us were very immature. It was about time that we start this journey of life. Together. Thus, we started discovering together. We were like two naughty kids at our house. WE RULED THE WORLD. Which in other words, simply meant: we assume that we ruled our territory, i.e. our house; and that every other human being was bound to listen to our orders. Of  course, this was just an illusion and would be wiped away instantly (but only momentarily) by my our (we considered each other to be sisters) mom, when she would scold us for anything that was beyond her understanding. Oh dear, how would she know that playing in the mud was so peaceful! But alas, she would just rant about how unhealthy it was for a child like me to play out there in the mud without an adult supervision. What if I swallow the dirt? All this was beyond my and Sweety’s understanding then. We would just look into each others’ eyes, as though planning for another mischief. We were as good as Partners In Crime. ^_^

Guys and gals!! The photos that I have posted here, are only for reference purpose. The source is Google. These pictures are not Sweety’s.

Well well… I know I had planned a post on Dog Days for every other Saturday. But the thing is, I was reconsidering my decision for this page. Like, would it really prove to be helpful? Would it really help me to finally move on after her death? Or would the nostalgic memories encroach upon me more and more and hence wipe me away from my physical self? Folks, I really need your views upon this. Thank you.

For a link to this page/tab, refer to Dog Days

For an introduction to this page, kindly refer to the post Dog Days dated: 25th May 2015.

For the previous post in this category, refer to the post Sweety’s Day One At Our House dated: 6th June 2015.

– Suri

Sweety’s Day One At Our House

Mid-March, 2002.

Around 8 p.m.


“Moommmy..!! Somebody just knocked the door.”

“Oh, okay. Let me see, who is it…” – said my mom.

The door is opened.

Mom is at the door.

I’m peeping out from inside the house.

TaaDaaaa!! *SURPRISE*

On the other side of the door, stands a man – my dad’s friend – with a cane basket!!

So what?, you may ask. What’s so special about a ‘basket’?

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The basket looked somewhat like this

The actual surprise is what lies inside the basket! Two jet-black puppies!!! German Shepherds, both of them (this I learnt later). You kidding? NO!! My mom and that man were engaged in some conversation. I was oblivious. The conversation could not be interpreted by me. Reason being: My entire Cerebrum and the Occipital lobe was focused on only one thing – The two black Canines in the cane basket!!

The next moment, before I knew it, one of them was set out, outside the basket. Run! Run!! Ruuunnnn!!! (This is what my subconscious mind was telling me to do). And so I did. I ran as fast as I could, with an enormous and huge (for a 5 year old me, of course) less than a foot* pup, tailing behind.

What if it pounces upon me? What if it uses it’s sharp, fierce and dangerous claws and rips my flesh off??! How do I escape from this huge giant?? – Were my thoughts then. Ah, Silly me!

Finally after a loooonng 10 seconds run, I had managed to climb up on a tall hill, which proved to be a life-saving deal.

Translation of the above sentence: I climbed on our bed in the bedroom. The bed was around 2 feet** high, the little, less fortunate pup (who was later named Sweety) couldn’t climb it. Thus, ended our race. Or maybe, just started? Of course. So many more adventures to come.

P.S.: Oh no. I forgot. You might be wondering who the other puppy was, along with Sweety, in the basket, right? Well well.. He was named Sheru. A male German Shepherd, and was adopted by the man who brought in Sweety and Sheru in our house, on the first day. Lovely, isn’t it? 🙂

* foot – 1 foot = 12 inches = 30.48 cm

** feet – plural for foot.

This is the earliest memory that I have of Sweety. Do you people remember the very first day with your dogs? If yes, then do not hesitate, type away and let us all hear about your wonderful stories!! *wink*

For reference to the previous post in this category, check-out – “Dog Days” dated: 25th May ’15 or click here.

– Suri

Dog Days!

Hello folks!

Today, I’m about to add a new page/tab to my site called “Dog Days”. On this page, I shall be sharing stories of my dog, Sweety (who, unfortunately, had departed from me some two years back). So, it’s going to be kind of an homage to her, as well as reminiscence of those good old days. Like, arousing the feelings of nostalgia! :’)

I usually don’t speak about her to anybody. Reason being, the thoughts then start nagging me. And they ask for complete and constant attention. Thoughts about, how wonderful were my days with her and all. Initially, it all goes well. But then, the thoughts that she’s no more with me, pulls me down. To the extent that it leaves me with no enthusiasm to participate in life and in day to day activities. I’ve spoken about her (Sweety) only to a couple of my close friends. So other than that, it’ll be the first time that I’m going to talk upon this so openly and will try to break-free from the small part of the shell that is covering me. I’m sure, it’s gonna be a heavenly experience, along with such awesome followers as you guys! Looking forward to it! 🙂 Starting next week, I’ll be posting here every other Saturday. Hope you’ll enjoy it!

Here’s her picture:

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Hope you guys will hang on till the end. I take this moment to Thank You all for the support that you’ve been showing me till date! Thanks a ton! 🙂

P.S.: The idea of coming up with the title, “Dog Days” is entirely a coincidence to the fact that these are indeed dog days! 😛 (For those unaware of this term, dog days refers to the hottest days of summer of the year). Here, in the coastal regions of India, it feels as though I myself am actually frying in a pan!!

– Suri

The Favourite Word, ‘Nostalgic’!

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[Image source: Facebook]

     Then comes the intensive longing for the past. Wherein you actually have to ask yourself, “Is this what they call ‘nostalgia’? Really? But, isn’t it supposed to be soothing? Isn’t it supposed to bring a big smile on my face? Then why is it breaking me down??” Perhaps, I’ll never find the answer to it. But yes, nostalgia is both placid and turbulent at the same time. And I don’t even know how is that possible?!

– Suri