Daily Archives: June 6, 2015

Sweety’s Day One At Our House

Mid-March, 2002.

Around 8 p.m.


“Moommmy..!! Somebody just knocked the door.”

“Oh, okay. Let me see, who is it…” – said my mom.

The door is opened.

Mom is at the door.

I’m peeping out from inside the house.

TaaDaaaa!! *SURPRISE*

On the other side of the door, stands a man – my dad’s friend – with a cane basket!!

So what?, you may ask. What’s so special about a ‘basket’?

Featured image
The basket looked somewhat like this

The actual surprise is what lies inside the basket! Two jet-black puppies!!! German Shepherds, both of them (this I learnt later). You kidding? NO!! My mom and that man were engaged in some conversation. I was oblivious. The conversation could not be interpreted by me. Reason being: My entire Cerebrum and the Occipital lobe was focused on only one thing – The two black Canines in the cane basket!!

The next moment, before I knew it, one of them was set out, outside the basket. Run! Run!! Ruuunnnn!!! (This is what my subconscious mind was telling me to do). And so I did. I ran as fast as I could, with an enormous and huge (for a 5 year old me, of course) less than a foot* pup, tailing behind.

What if it pounces upon me? What if it uses it’s sharp, fierce and dangerous claws and rips my flesh off??! How do I escape from this huge giant?? – Were my thoughts then. Ah, Silly me!

Finally after a loooonng 10 seconds run, I had managed to climb up on a tall hill, which proved to be a life-saving deal.

Translation of the above sentence: I climbed on our bed in the bedroom. The bed was around 2 feet** high, the little, less fortunate pup (who was later named Sweety) couldn’t climb it. Thus, ended our race. Or maybe, just started? Of course. So many more adventures to come.

P.S.: Oh no. I forgot. You might be wondering who the other puppy was, along with Sweety, in the basket, right? Well well.. He was named Sheru. A male German Shepherd, and was adopted by the man who brought in Sweety and Sheru in our house, on the first day. Lovely, isn’t it? 🙂

* foot – 1 foot = 12 inches = 30.48 cm

** feet – plural for foot.

This is the earliest memory that I have of Sweety. Do you people remember the very first day with your dogs? If yes, then do not hesitate, type away and let us all hear about your wonderful stories!! *wink*

For reference to the previous post in this category, check-out – “Dog Days” dated: 25th May ’15 or click here.

– Suri