Tag Archives: humans

Why Do I Care?

I sometimes wonder why do I care so much. There are people who absolutely give no shit about others and yet they are doing all fine. Of course they do. The life of an individual doesn’t depend on another. Everyone makes their own destiny. Humans create their path to success alone. Yet they are social animals. They can’t be completely alone. They need to have friends, family, someone to love, someone to trust. Also it’s a very risky job to trust someone in today’s world. There are just too many complications involved. You can never tell the true intentions of a fellow human. Trusting animals is way better.

— Suri

Thoughts, Anyone?

We think the same things now as we did eons back and would be thinking the same things much much ahead in the future unless some really very drastic evolution takes place.

The same words were repeated throughout history.

The same words are being repeated today.

The same thoughts were shared then.

The same ones are being shared now.

We, as humans, as the so-called-intelligent beings on Earth, believe to have evolved much more than the other species. But have we really? Emotionally? Spiritually? Mentally?

Physically, yes. Our way of living has tremendously evolved into a – I won’t say ‘better’ but – rather a convenient style. We get most of our work done without much of those tiring, painstaking efforts. But that’s not the matter I had intended to write about.

I wished to learn about the inner minds of people. I had this intense desire to know whether the person sitting besides me in a train is thinking about the same things that I am. I wanted to know if they are thinking about their parents. And if yes, are those thoughts negative or positive. I felt that I needed to know if the lady who sits in that grocery store has ever had a dog in her life. And if yes, if the dog isn’t with her now, does she miss it?

I would also want to know if my best friend holds any – even a small negligible quantity – grudge against me. I may try my best to hide this feeling, but a tiny light shines in my heart everytime a young, handsome guy walks right past me, and I wonder if he noticed me. And even if he did, I wonder what did he think about me.

When I walk into an art gallery, I ponder over the artistic features in every artworks. I try to think about the thoughts that the artist must have been thinking while painting them. I do get a few vibes. They may be the same feelings that the artist might have been thinking, or they might be like the ones the other viewers are thinking.

On my way home, I see a boy, of about 10-12 years old, riding shotgun in a car. The car had halted at a traffic signal. The boy had a hunched body structure as he was peering down at the trophy he was holding inside his bag, at the same time anticipating the reaction he would get from his driver. Would it be as good as or better than his parents? And I start to wonder about them.

And in the end, I wonder if there are others who think like I do. At times, I know there’s almost everyone who thinks like this.

Human mind is weird. It makes you believe that you are different and yet the same.

Sometimes, I feel there’s a huge traffic of these thoughts. There must be an option to wipe out the screen. To merely enjoy the void. The feeling of nothingness. The vacuum. To get a small bit of relief from the floundering nature of our minds. But I know it won’t happen on it’s own. Someone needs to act. I need to act. I need to unclog the unnecessary garbage swirling around in my mind, occupying the space that would have been used for some better revolutionary thoughts and ideas.

And I know, now’s the time to do it. The sooner, the better.

– Suri