Tag Archives: fear

Little Deep Breaths

Sometimes life brings you to a standstill. A complete, terrible standstill. You eat, to survive and not because you love to. You try to read and write and draw because you want to come of the loop. The thinking loop that you are continually stuck onto, like it’s the only song on your playlist that plays on repeat. Slowly, your heart starts pounding, faster than usual. Closing your eyes at night is a task in itself, for when those eyes shut – your thoughts amplify, speaking louder than it does during the day. Someone sneezes mid sleep and you wake up wide eyed. Someone else gets up for a little pee in the middle of night, and you rush to them, asking if everything is fine.

That is what anxiety does to you. It creeps up to you without you knowing how far up it has reached already. By the time the realization finally dawns on you, panic has hijacked your mind. It has crept up to the point wherein you do not feel in control of your own body or thoughts. You start to feel helpless, like the world around you is crumbling, along with your hopes and dreams. Your first urge is to give up, and why wouldn’t it be? Isn’t that the easier option? But that is your real test, it is at that exact moment when you need to take a step back and focus on the feeble voice far off towards the end of your vision that tells you to keep going. Well, it might sound unreal at first. For a while let’s just pretend it is real, and take some deep breaths. Those deep breaths wouldn’t make any difference immediately, but it will help you pause, few minutes at a time. It’ll allow you to reconsider your thoughts and help you in breaking their flow. One deep breath at a time.

Heyyaa people! How are you all doing? I’ve missed you loads and I have missed blogging. Hopefully I am back here now. I don’t have a plan yet on what my future posts would be about, but I am happy to be back. It’s much more peaceful than the buzz on other social media platforms.

– Suri

The Theft.


My wacky Sixth-sense.

Waking me up in the middle of night.



The roar of guns.

Clattering the ground like fiery fireworks!



The recklessness of chaos.

Shuddering and awakening my worst fears.



Yes, our old enemy – the time.

Gave me a blurry version of four past forty.



Our sleepy little neighbours.

Isolating us to figure out the truth, by ourselves.



Seven sturdy old guys.

Ransacking the houses in prototypes.



A sudden unexpected wish.

To be some place else but here.



My black bespectacled eyes.

Searching furiously for any movement, from the guys.



My small elf-ish ears.

Straining to hear the low volume announcements.



The enormous longing for support.

This huge gush of emotions to cling onto somebody!



Those bright focus – lights!

Flooding the place with warm rays of hope.



Some good, brave men.

Saving our lives while endangering theirs!



End of the three-hour siege.

Brought a relief and took me back to sleep.


– Suri